My Journey
I have from a young age been interested in self development, psychology and mysticism.
Some of my first guides on my spiritual path came to me via books; Sidhartha - the life of the Buddha by Herman Hesse, the Sufi mystic Inayat Hazarat Khan, the Egyption Goddess Isis, Yeshua & channelled writings of Mary Magdelene and books by Indian guru Yogananda.
I am a follower of Mother Meera; a person who many believe is the living embodiment of the Divine Mother. I first went to her satsang when I was 30 years old and since then she has been a constant source of support and healing for me and someone that I highly recommend to anyone who has suffered from trauma and is on a spiritual path.
All these teachers are great examples of living from a point of unity with all life, aware that everything that exists in the world is spirit made manifest and that all is sacred. This resonates with me.
My Spiritual Explorations
When I was 26yrs old I trained for 3 years as a spiritual healer and in Spiritual Psychotherapy. My teacher was the late William Lambert who founded BMSIHF, Body Mind Spirit International Healing Federation in Sussex, he taught nine courses based on the teachings of mystic, writer and philosopher Ronald Beesley who gained international fame with his distant colour healing back in the 60's. These studies gave me a good grounding in spiritual teachings about life and the afterlife and complimentary forms of healing the body and soul.
Since then my studies and qualifications include:
Toltec practices with Caroline Coleman
Sacred Plant Medicine 1 year Mentorship with Carole Guynett.
Shamanism with various teachers, such as Robert Moss, Sandra Ingerman, Chris Luttichau and Valerie Stagg.
Training in the Donna Eden Energy Medicine methods
Certified 'Energy 4 Life' Wellness Coach,
Certified Kwan Yin Magnified Healing® Master Healer/Teacher
Spiritual Healing & Spiritual Psychotherapy
Personal Life
When I was 30 years old I moved to Spain
and pioneered a small off grid retreat center
called 'Ananta Sacred Space' it was a solo project
which started as a ruin and 14acres of scrub land and
took about 9 years to complete.
I spent 14 years of my life there consolidating what I had learnt in my healing training and
'living my dream' . It was a wonderful initiation into so many things from building with cob, to gathering wild foods, managing volunteer projects & facilitating retreats.
In 2018 I moved back to the UK where I met my husband and am now based in Mystical Cornwall and offer shamanic healing and run a variety of workshops and will soon be offering pilgrimage journeys to activate divine remembering. Watch this space!