In this section:
Here are some examples of what you may experience after a series of energy healing sessions:
Better sleep,
Improved mood,
Feeling 'lighter'
Faster recovery from illness or injury,
Pain relief
Feeling more like your true and whole self
Feeling more in touch with your spiritual nature
Energy healing can also be useful to support release of unhelpful patterns and energies (such as trauma) held in the cellular memory of your body and the auric field. This gives your mind and body the opportunity to upgrade to a higher vibration & version of yourself, activate spiritual awakening and healing on all levels.​​
Shamanic Healing
Works on every level in close connection with spirit to help restore body and soul. Other than general energetic healing, energising and aligning of energy centres of the body, it can include soul retrieval, power animal retrieval, aura mending and entity removal.
1.5hr - £85
Available in the Rowan room at:
Plan-it- Earth
Cornwall. UK
Set Of 3 Akashic Record Clearings (online)
(This is not to be confused with an Akashic record 'reading'.) Throughout lifetimes we accumilate patterns and agreements, thoughts and beliefs that get stored away in our Akashic records. These all take up space in our soul and effect our current lifetime. They can show up as patterns of low self worth, lack of success in relationships financial problems, health issues and so on. Many of these old records are now surplice to requirement, no longer a source of learning they are ready to be cleared and reprogrammed with ways of being that will take us to the next level of our personal evolution.
I offer 3 sessions of 40 mins to 1hr, through guided meditation and with the support of your higher self and Akashic guides we focus on the issues you wish to shift and if you are ready we clear them.
Distant Shamanic healing
This is a 1.5hr minute session with phone, email or zoom chat before and after the session.
Distant energy healing for pets
This is a 45minute session with phone, email or zoom chat before and after the session.
By Donation
Charge your chakras technique
If you are feeling low in mood or energy this technique can help pep you up again!
Healing Mudras For Grounding
I first came across the healing power of Mudras when a lady I met shared a story with me of something she had witnessed when in India. She said there had been a female tourist who had taken LSD and was having a bad trip. An unknown woman approached the girl and put her hands into a particular Mudra, within a very short space of time she had completely recovered and was herself again.
Pran Mudra
Combined with conscious and slow breathing this mudra has a stabilizing and calming effect. It reduces fatigue and nervousness and because it activates the root chakra has an anchoring effect. Generally the Pran Mudra increases clarity of mind, staying power, self confidence and physical vitality. It also improves vision.
With each hand place the tips of the thumb, ring finger, and little finger together. The other fingers remain extended. Use for 5 to 30 minutes as needed. Or as a course of treatment , 3 x daily for 15mins each time.
Grounding Mudra
This Mudra was given to me by my homeopath, it is specifically for strong grounding and creating boundaries. So if you feel a bit spun out, floating around the place, spend lots of time in your head on the computer then this one is good to do. Interlock hands whilst connecting tip of thumb and and first finger of each hand.
In relation to boundaries, if someone is having an emotional explosion at you and you don't want it to knock you off center or drain your energy then this is the one to use.