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Sámi Art - awakening the spirit connection
The paintings took me straight into the landscape as if I was truly experiencing it, not just through the eyes but through the spirit.

Combat brain fog with this simple garden herb!
I had a powerful personal experience with it recently when I was diagnosed with being unable to absorb B12 and having anemia.

Elfinflower's Simple Spring/Autumn Detox
A simple 10 day Spring Detox that will revitalize your mind & body.

Coffee, the power of ritual and inner fulfilment
Whilst on holiday in Gran Canaria we went to visit a coffee plantation in the beautiful lush valley of Agaete. These wonderful trees...

How tuned in are you? Spot the difference...
How sensitive are you to the spirit connection? A friend of mine came to the house recently and looked at my paintings telling me which...

Soul & Totem portraits; what its all about and how I do it.
When we are born on Earth and live in the 3d Matrix we can easily start to believe that we are just our physical bodies and forget our...

Herbs and tips for a smooth transition through menopause.
Hot flushes, night sweats, palpitations, mood swings, thinning hair, weight gain, wrinkles, depression...the list goes on. But there is...

Techniques and tools to balance the emotions and stay grounded
Techniques and tools for balancing the emotions and staying grounded.

Are you activating your 'Rainbow Bridge'?
Do you know of people who can read the akashic records, get clear guidance from their higher self, guides or angels, have instant deep...
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